Even if you don't see it here, remember to check the "news and events archives" and  "Lodge Activities"
for all issues going as far back as 2009

Most recent updates include:

As of Sept. 17 we are transitioning to new webmaster
and we will be updating the website soon!

News and events Archives..
Updated 6-22-2023

Amazing stories and trivia items
  Updated 10-16-21

Trivia 1

Trivia 2

Trivia 3

Trivia 4

Trivia 5

Lodge Activities
Updated 6-7-23

Archived Trestleboards
  September now included

A Master's Remarks

Hiram Award

Past Masters

Contact us

Driving directions

Past year's officers

Links to other Grand Lodges

Welcome to Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge, #574, Free and Accepted Masons
October 11, 1923

Installation of officers for 2025 took place on December 7th, 2024.  It was a very good and fun event as Worshipful Caskey became the third Brother in the history of S.W. Hackett lodge to be the Master for two consecutive years.  Worshipful David Haslim was the installing officer.  The Master of Ceremonies was Worshipful Michael Allen and Installing Chaplain was Worshipful Dennis Stahr.

For the installation, click here

S.W. Hackett Installation of officers for 2025

    Master.....Charles Caskey, PM

Senior Warden.....Benjamin Pulido

Junior Warden.....Robert Dockery, PM

Secretary....Dimiter Lyakov, PM

Treasurer....Robert Salini, PM

Chaplain.....Luis Gallegos

Senior Deacon......Renato Perillo

Junior Deacon.....Joseph Jordan

Marshal.....Donald Walker

Senior Steward..Robert Lange

Junior Steward................

Tiler....James Achenbach, PM

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Our Stated Meeting is held in our lodge room at: 

1562 Camino del Rio South,

Our Stated meeting is at 7:30pm on the first Tuesday of the month.

Phone: 858-229-4480

On October 11th of 1923, a small group of friends in the dusty little city of San Diego determined to become Brothers. In founding S.W. Hackett lodge they expressed a shared belief in the tenets of America's founding brothers, a determination to make a difference in the community, a commitment to their families, and a desire to study and understand the philosophy and ethical teachings of an institution whose foundation lies buried deeper than the study of recorded history has excavated.
The last nine plus decades have borne witness to an unbroken chain of Masonic and community service. Today's Brothers of S. W. Hackett's little lodge continue to advance the tenants of our founders with an eye towards the needs of today's Mason.