SW Hackett Lodge, on June 20, 2023 saw Brother Donald Walker passed to the degree of Fellow Craft. Brother Walker was obligated by Worshipful David Haslim, PM, Master. Worshipful William "JR" Knight, PM delivered a nice, "Middle Chamber" lecture and Brother Charles Caskey, was in the East for the second section and delivered a perfect lecture of the Fellow Craft degree. Worshipful Haslim gave a flawless Charge. It was a great degree and a fun and important night.
Brother Don with
Worshipful Haslim, PM, Master.
Brother Caskey, Senior Warden, who was in the East for the second section poses with Brother Walker.
Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, Musician, poses with Brother Don at the staircase.
Worshipful Jim Achenbach, PM, Tiler congratulates Brother Don. Worshipful Jim is key wonderful in tutering our candidates.
The officers in the degree and sideliner.