On June 6, 2017, SW Hackett Lodge, continued its honoring of the Sequoia Elementary School Teacher of the
Year. This year we have a "two-time" Teacher of the Year. We congratulate Ms. Shelly Foster who was selected as the 2011 Teacher of the Year, and now was again selected by her peers as the 2017 Sequoia Elementary School's Teacher of the Year. SW
Hackett Lodge is very proud to assist in honoring her for her strong
commitment to the education and welfare of her young students.
Wor. Jim
Achenbach, PM, and head of the Partnership in Education committee for SW Hackett, introduces
Principal Ryan Kissel.
Principal Kissel thanked Wor. Achenbach and SW Hackett Lodge for all its work with the Partnership in Education
Shelly Foster thanked Principal Kissel, Wor. Achenbach and S.W. Hackett Lodge for this honor.
Shelly Foster and son Stephen.
Shelly's mother Isabelle. (sorry for the grainy picture)
The presentation of the certificate of appreciation from SW Hackett Lodge.
The Master, Dennis Stahr, thanks Ms. Foster and presents her with the monetary award.
Lodge first lady Ingrid presents Shelly with the bouquet of 16 roses and a scroll explaining the reason for the 16 roses.
A copy (before signing) of the certificate, presented to Ms. Shelly Foster.
~Thanks to all that attended~