All have arrived and so, Wor. Dick Covert and Wor. Clint Black, the "grill masters" prepare to serve the masses. Ah, hard to wait for the great fare to be served. Hooray... The food is served and nobody had to be told twice. Everyone enjoyed the burgers, kielbasa and all the dishes brought by those who attended.
Finishing the great food and now to begin the relaxing. Master John Fitch smiles as his wife Cathi chats with the guests. Eva and the boys had fun playing by the lake.
Ingrid with Veronica, our visitor from India, mother of Vinita, Brother Phiny's wife. Wor. Dick, one of our grill-masters and Wor. Bob chat after the fine lunch. Wor. Dimiter stressing a point with Wor. Clint, our other grill-master. Did we all get enough to eat and really relax?.... You decide.
Looking forward to next year for sure!!