Theodore “Ted” Ketterer, PM, 50 years a Master Mason

 SW Hackett Brethren visited Worshipful Brother Ted Ketterer in his daughter Jody's home to present him with his "Golden Veteran Award" 50 year pin on April 10th, 2016.  Ted was initiated an Entered Apprentice on June 27, 1965.  He was passed to Fellowcraft on September 30, 1965 and was raised a Master Mason on January 25, 1966.  He was the Master of Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge in 1972 and after that, and for a total of 13 years, he was the Treasurer of the Lodge.  In recognition of his dedication to his lodge and Masonry, he was honored with the Hiram Award on May 18, 1993.

  Worshipful Brother Ted, PM, with the smile we have always looked forward to.

Ted's daughter Jody attaches the 50 year pin on her father's lapel.

Worshipful David Haslim, PM presents the Grand Lodge certificate to Brother Ted.

Ted proudly poses with Jody.

The group of Brothers that thank Ted's daughter for allowing them to meet in her home to honor this very deserving Mason.

The certificate from the Grand Lodge singed by the Most Worshipful M. David Perry, Grand Master.