Brother Norman Chris Parker is installed as SW Hackett's Junior Warden.  Worshipful John Fitch, PM, our elected Junior Warden for 2018, because of his job in Palm Desert, resigned his position so that we could install Brother Parker. Brother Chris qualified and on this night, October 2nd, was installed by Worshipful Dave Haslim, PM, Inspector at Large for division IX.  Brother Bob Gale did a great job as Master of Ceremonies.



  Worshipful Dave Haslim, PM, Installing Officer and Brother Ben Pulido, Chaplain prepare for the installation.



Brother Chris awaits his installation. 


  Brother Bob Gale, Senior Deacon, presents Brother Chris for installation.


Brother Chris is presented with the jewel of his office.

Our new Junior Warden is presented to the friends and family in attendance.

Worshipful Bob Salini, PM, Master congratulates Brother Chris.

Brother Bob Gale, Senior Deacon and Master of Ceremonies poses with Worshipful Bob Salini and Brother Chris.

Brother Chris with his pretty wife Finesse.

Worshipful Bob Salini, poses with Brother Chris and Finesse.