This is from Brother Ben's email:  "I know it is close to time when you and the other officers will be heading to Grand Lodge. Jeanne is here for a visit and I decided to take her to see a historic Idaho town. On our adventure we stumbled across the oldest Lodge in Idaho still in use. The Lodge members meet in Boise currently but still meet once each June at the historic site, thus keeping it an actively used Lodge Hall. It seems it may be the oldest Lodge where a Grand Lodge was established in the U.S. as well".

Much more can be found about this very historic lodge at:

The lodge building.

Brother Ben cool in Idaho.  He says he misses all of us but really likes Idaho.

The sign on the building.

And why wasn't Jeanne at the Stated Meeting?  Cuz she was with her hubby in Idaho.

Good luck Ben and Jeanne, and stay in touch!