Last night, April
24th, 2018 was another degree night. Samuel Warren Hackett passed
Brother Jerry-Jeremiah Aquino to the degree of Fellow Craft.
Brother Aquino
obligated a Fellow Craft Mason by Worshipful Dennis Stahr, PM, who was
in the East for the entire degree and also gave the lecture.
Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, Senior Warden, was the Senior Deacon for
the degree and gave the Middle-Chamber lecture. Worshipful David
Haslim, PM, did a great job delivering the
Our newly passed Fellowcraft, Brother Aquino, with Worshipful Dennis Stahr, PM, who was in the East for the degree.
Wor. "JR" Knight, PM, with Brother Aquino.
The officers
involved in the conferral of the degree pose for the picture. The
Tiler, Wor. Jim Achenbach and Stewards, Brothers Mario Urbino and Thanks to Wor. James
Glunt, PM, of Unity Lodge and current Junior Warden of Joseph Shell
daylight lodge, Also thanks to all the Brothers that were able to make the degree on such short notice.
Then, on to the
Worshipful James Glunt with our "new" Fellowcraft, Brother Jerry Aquino.
Worshipfuls Laurvick and Black with our Brother Marshal Bob Scheeler.
Worshipful Tiler, Jim
Achenbach, PM, with Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, and no, he doesn't need
the Heimlich, he is just undoing his tie.
Worshipful Dave Haslim, PM, Inspector at large...... And we were wondering why we ran short of donuts.
Again, thanks to all and let's have another degree soon!