2017 installation of officers for SW Hackett Lodge was again a fun
very professionally done event. You've seen the pictures of the officers that were installed, now for some pictures of the installation.
Our Installing Team with their lovely wives
Most Worshipful John Heisner and wife Margo - Worshipful David Haslim and wife Marty - Worshipful Gerald Winstanley and wife Joy Inspector of the 921st Masonic District, Worshipful Richard Bullard and his wife Sharon The Master and installing officers enter Most Worshipful John Heisner, Grand Master of Mason in California instructs Worshipful David Haslim, Senior Grand Deacon to usher the officer into the lodge room. The officers to be installed enter the lodge room. The Al Bahr Shrine Legion of Honor present the flag of our country. Worshipful John Fitch, outgoing Master welcomes all. Worshipful James Achenbach, PM, Tiler is installed. Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, Organist, is installed. Brother Jason Bockerman and Brother Robert Gale, Stewards are installed. Brother Robert Scheeler, Marshal is installed. Brother Nicholas Baker and Brother Stefan Werkstetter, Deacons are installed. Worshipful Steve Laurvick, PM, Chaplain is installed. Worshipful Dimiter Lyakov, PM, Secretary is installed. Brother David Casper, Treasurer is installed. Worshipful Robert Salini, PM, Junior Warden is installed. Brother Benjamin Bridges, Senior Warden is installed. Dennis Stahr, PM, Incoming Master is presented for installation. Perambulation of the Master. Most Worshipful Heisner presents the gavel to the new Master. Worshipful David Haslim, Senior Grand Deacon, makes proclamation. Worshipful Richard Bullard, PM, Inspector of the 921st Masonic district introduces the Grand Lodge Officers in attendance. The Grand Lodge Officers, aside from the Grand Master and Senior Grand Deacon that honored us with their presence: (From left to right) Worshipful Jeffrey Bear, Grand Sword Bearer Worshipful Fulgencio "JoJo" Quimpo, Grand Orator Very Reverend John Mc Quown, Grand Chaplain The Master's remarks were brief. The Master presents the Grand Lodge certificate to Worshipful John Fitch, PM to indicate his holding the office of Master of the Lodge. Now for some Presentation.... The Master's wife, Ingrid, presents a bouquet and gift to the outgoing first lady, Cathi Fitch. Bouquets and gifts for Marti Haslim and Judy Black, the ladies who are always so helpful. First lady Ingrid and First lady of Masons in California, Margo are escorted to the East. Presenting an Orchid to First Lady, Margo Heisner. Master Dennis Stahr, presents Most Worshipful Heisner with a tie and pin from the United Grand Lodge of England. They both bear the logo selected by the U.G.L.E. to celebrate three hundred years of organized Masonry. Most Worshipful Heisner presented two gifts. The first being one of the many great Masonic books he has written, which was presented to the Master personally. A real treasure that ALL Masons should read. It can be found on Amazon.com The second gift was a gift for SW Hackett Lodge. It is a beautiful, crystal presentation of the Earth on a pedestal. The pedestal bears the Grand Master's logo for 2016-2017. Sorry for the difficult to see picture, but the photographer didn't get a picture of this beautiful presentation. Thank you Most Worshipful Heisner. The Officers retire from the Lodge. Thanks again to the Al Bahr Legion of Honor for their presentation. There was a light lunch after the installation. And, of course, the cakes..... Thank you all very much and we will see you again next year same date, same time.
It was important and fun as always...
See you in December of next year!