Sequoia Elementary School Spelling Bee
Sponsored by
S.W. Hackett Masonic Lodge
Thursday, May 11, 2017

SW Hackett Lodge again this year, on May 11th, sponsored the Sequoia Elementary School Spelling Bee.  Also as usual, it was well represented by the Brothers and ladies of SW Hackett Lodge.  Sequoia's Principal, Mr. Kissel, could not attend this year, but Mr. Roy did his usual good job in organizing and overseeing this fun event.  The winners of the two grades, fourth and fifth, were presented with medallions and then Wor. Stahr, Master of SW Hackett Lodge, presented monetary awards for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners of each grade.

And this year, we repeat the statement below since it is so important:

Although you are encouraged to support the Partnership in Education Program when you receive your dues notice, you are again asked to contribute at any time.  Our Teacher of the Year Award night, food and presents during the holiday season, and sponsorship of the Spelling Bee are worthy and wonderful events.  The money used does not come out of Lodge funds – it is a separate account that is funded by the generosity of the Brethren.  Please consider donating today!

 Sincerely & Fraternally,
Bro Jim Achenbach, PM
Chairman, Public Schools Committee

The 4th graders are seated and ready.  The young man on the far left is actually a 3rd grader and he ended with second place.

Let the games, (and fun) begin.


The 4th grade winners.  All of them did a great job.


And now, it's the 5th grader's turn.


The proud 5th grade winners.

Wor. Dennis Stahr, Master, presents the cash prizes to the winners of the fourth and fifth grades.

All the contestants had great attitudes and all were good sports.


The audience with the SW Hackett Brothers and Ladies in the first two rows.


Mr. Roy with all the Hackett gang with the 4th and 5th grade winners.