On January 31st, 2023, S.W. Hackett Lodge, saw Brother Renato Perillo passed to the degree of Fellow Craft.  Brother Perillo delivered a perfect 1st degree proficiency and then was obligated a Fellowcraft Mason by Brother Chuck Caskey, Senior Warden, who also did a perfect job in the East and went "gavel to gavel".  Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, Musician, delivered a very nice "Middle Chamber" lecture and Worshipful Worshipful Haslim gave a nearly flawless Charge.  It was a great degree and a fun and important night.

Brother Chuck Caskey, Senior Warden, who obligated Brother Perillo congratulates him on being passed to Fellowcraft.


Worshipful "JR" Knight, PM, who was the Senior Deacon for the second half and delivered a beautiful Middle Chamber Lecture,
Congratulates Brother Perillo

Worshipful "JR" and Brother Perillo pose by the representation of the winding staircase.

Worshipful Jim Achenbach, PM, Tiler, and First Degree Candidate's Coach, congratulates Brother Renato.

The great group that attended to see this important degree.