On February 4, 2020, at the Stated dinner and meeting, Samuel Warren Hackett Lodge was honored by the visit of Worshipful Ivan Boev Sitting Master of Nova Luna Lodge #123 of Sofia Bulgaria.  A warm Hackett welcome was extended by all the Brothers and ladies at the dinner.  Worshipful Boev presented several gifts to Worshipful Parker, Master of SW Hackett lodge.  Then our Master presented gifts to Worshipful Boev.

Worshipful Ivan Boev, current Master of Nova Luna Lodge #123.


Worshipful Boev presents SW Hackett's Master, Chris Parker with the logo and symbol of Nova Luna Lodge #123.

Beautiful gift of the Nova Luna Lodge #123 for SW Hackett Lodge.

Then the presentation to Hackett lodge of a replica of the Thracian Treasure of Letnitza 4th Century BC.

Replica of the Thracian Treasure of Letnitza 4th Century BC.

The wonderful generosity continues as Worshipful Boev Presents the lodge a book of the history of Freemasonry in Bulgaria.

Now it's Worshipful Parker's chance as he begins by presenting the "visitor's" card to our visitor.

Then, the Master's pin for Worshipful Boev.

And a beautiful leather bound notebook presented to our visitor.

Last but certainly not least, the presentation of a bottle of wine and wine glass with the Master's logo.

Worshipful David Haslim, PM, Inspector at Large for the IX Masonic District, presents the Grand Master's pin.

 Master Chris Parker, Master Boev and Dimiter Lyakov, PM, Secretary, who translated for the whole event.

Again, we sincerely thank Worshipful Ivan Boev for joining us in Brotherhood and hope he can join us again.